The ULTIMATE (last minute) College Dorm Packing List

o   Basics:

o   Storage bins 

o   White board 

o   White board calendar

o   White board markers

o   Mini fridge

o   Double sided tape/ command strips 

o   Luggage 

o   Yoga mat (optional but I highly recommend)

o   Laundry:

o   Sheets & Pillowcases

o   Pillows

o   Blankets

o   Comforter

o   Laundry Bag/ Basket

o   Laundry detergent/ tidepods

o   Vacuum 

o   Stationary:

o   Desk lamp (especially if you have a roomate)

o   Lap desk (optional but I highly recommend)

o   Packed pencil case

o   Calculator & charger

o   Notebooks

o   Folders

o   Index cards

o   Sticky notes

o   Binder clips

o   Tape & Scissors

o   Ruler

o   Backpack

o   Notebook paper

o   Toiletries:

o   Shower caddy/carrying device

o   Shower shoes

o   Shampoo and conditioner (although it might make more sense to buy this once you're already there)

o   Body wash (although it might make more sense to buy this once you're already there)

o   Towels

o   Toiletries:

§  Toothpaste & toothbrush

§  Hairbrush

§  Tweezers

§  Nail clippers 

§  Razor 

§  Hair ties 

o Feminine Products

o   Handheld mirrors

o   Clothing:

     o   Hangers (might make more sense to buy this once you're already there)

o   Masks

o   Underwear

o   Socks

o   Jeans

o   Leggings

o   Shorts 

o   Blouses

o   Sweatshirts/sweaters/jackets

o   Pajamas

o   Swimsuits

o   Tuxedo 

o   Baseball Cap

o   Shoes:

    §    Flip flops

    §    Sneakers 

    §    Walking/running shoes

    §    Sandals

    §   Heels/ Nice Shoes

    §    Proffesional shoes

    §    Flip flops

o   Household/Kitchen:

o   Paper towels

o  Basic tools (screwdriver, hammer)

o   Trash bags

o   Tupperware

o   Dish soap 

o   Tissues 

o   Bowls, plates, cups, mugs

o   Water bottle

o   Silverware

o   Pots and pans

o   Dish brush (which I recommend over a sponge because if you have a communal sink you want an item that has a side to hygenically rest it on the side of the sink)

o   Furniture:

o   Storage ottoman

o   Some sort of shoe storage


     Also be sure to check out my "20 Things You'll Be Glad You Brought to your College Dorm (and What You'll Wish You Didn't)" post here for more ideas and tips.

As always I'd love to answer any questions you may have <3
