20 Things You'll Be Glad You Brought to your College Dorm (and What You'll Wish You Didn't)

Tis' the season! I know moving can be stressful, especially when it involves changing your whole living situation and likely the city too. So, to make your life a little easier I've compiled a list of what I recommend bringing, what I don't, and more.
Things I Recommend:
  • A second blanket
    • Reason: one for your bed, one for your inevitably uncomfortable desk chair
  • A lamp
    • I got this one for my birthday ($45) from Target
    • Reason: this recommendation is mainly for roommates; sometimes you'll want to do work while your roommate is asleep so having a lamp with targeted light allows you to see what you're doing without lighting up the whole room & waking up your roommate
  • A water bottle/brita
  • Shower shoes
  • 3 pillows 
    • Reason: one to sleep on, another to match your duvet, and one purely for decor
  • An ottoman with storage
    • I recommend this one ($25) from Bed, Bath & Beyond; It is super sturdy, compacts to be nearly flat, and is very versatile. 
    • Reason: most people raise their bed so they can store items underneath which means you'll need an ottoman to get in bed
  • An old calendar to use as wall decor (this is a super affordable way to get large images to decorate any large blank spaces and you can buy themed calendars for whatever look you prefer; as you can tell I went for a beach theme)

  • Fuzzy socks (please do not underestimate the importance of these)
    • Reason: dorms are often cold and usually you do not have any tempature control within your room
  • Reusable bags
  • Daily moisturizer with SPF
  • Bag clips
  • Vaseline to use as chapstick 
    • Reason: super affordable, effective and every college kids favorite word- multipurpose
  • A rolling storage cart to store food
    • I got this one ($30) from Michaels and I love it. It's sturdy, comes in a bunch of different colors, rolls smoothly, and was super easy to build.
  • A bucket (to carry my dirty dishes to the communal sink at the end of the hall)
  • Food in bulk (we <3 Costco)
  • A whiteboard 
  • A very basic tool kit 
    • Like this one ($10) from Ikea
    • Reason: for building any furniture you purchase or for unexpecting repairs
  • At least one "professional" outfit 
    • Reason: for interview, job fairs, and other occasions that arise
    • Tip: this is important even your freshman year; you do not want to turn down oppurunties or not put your best foot forward because you were not prepared

Things I Don't:
  • A frying pan (unless you cook as a hobby)
  • More than 2 pairs of sheets 
    • Tip: you probably won't use the second either, but have it just in case
  • An excessive amount of shoes
    • Tip: I recommend bringing one pair to work out, one to wear to class, one to wear in the rain/snow (or whatever is appropriate for the location), one professional pair, one pair of heels, one pair for the pool or beach and of course your shower shoes
Other Resources:

Looking for fun stickers and more for college! Check out my affordable designs here!

Best of luck and as always feel free to ask any questions <3


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