Things I Want To Do Before I Die- 22 Unique Bucket List Ideas

  1. crowd surf 
  2. make a book solely of pictures I took to put on my coffee table
  3. own a laundry basket sorted by colors and black & whites 
  4. fill an entire sketch book with my sketches (and put it on my coffee table too) 
  5. DM a singer I like and get a response 
  6. go hand gliding 
  7. own a car with a sunroof 
  8. get a tan line tattoo 
  9. learn how to surf (or at least try) 
  10. go to a karaoke place and not be afraid about singing poorly 
  11. dance on a table 
  12. go to Greece 
  13. get scuba certified 
  14. decorate my future home with my own art and photos 
  15. make an app to solve a problem people have 
  16. go mattress surfing 
  17. name a nail polish color 
  18. adopt an animal 
  19. graduate with a 4.0 (or forgive myself if I don’t) 
  20. write an uplifting poem and leave it places for people to find 
  21. grow flowers 
  22. have a signature dish
