Things To Do If You Get Bored

  1. Visit a beach, lake, pool, etc. 
  2. Ice skate if it's that time of year
  3. Make a craft
  4. Bake a cake 
  5. Hang out with friends
  6. Watch an old classic movie you love
  7. Watch a movie you've never seen, or go to the movies
  8. Learn a new skill
  9. Read a book, newspaper, blog, etc. 
  10. Play a board game
  11. Tie Dye shirts (actually anything really)
  12. Try Yoga
  13. Go outside
  14. Download a random app and play with it
  15. Draw something
  16. Try to beat a world record
  17. Go through your closet and find clothes you forgot you had
  18. Write a story
  19. Do something crazy with your hair
  20. Cook something you've never tried for your next meal
  21. Go for a bike ride
  22. Make something cool with everyday objects
  23. Do something you haven't done in a while (you choose what)
  24. Stretch
  25. Make a bucket list
